Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Little by little

Yesterday was a full shopping day, again. We bought more things for the house and groceries, and I was so tired at the end of the day that we just got a cab to come back. We are finally getting the living room uncluttered, yay!!! We bought a nice little dining table (that can be opened to accomodate more people if we have visitors), and the nighstands finally arrived. The bad part is that everything has to be assembled, and I can't assemble furniture for the life of me, so it's left for Al to do all that! I know it's been hard for him, having to deal with my anxiety for having everything ready and having to keep up with his work...I try not to be so impatient but I know I still have a long way to go....hehehe

Decorating the house's been a (nice) struggle! We have very similar taste for broad and big things, but when it comes to details, forget about it...and it's precisely on the details that we're working on now, so, you imagine....we can spend hours discussing wether we should get a silver or a golden rod, or if we should put it horizontally or vertically, or if we should put it at all! hehehe (yesterday there was a huge on about a place to hang laundry...house-wise, the biggest challenge for me it's been having to deal with the set up of the houses here with no laundry area - in Brazil, even the smallest apts do - so, every solution for that I find really weird. I'll end up having to hang things in the bathroom, ugh!!!)

But more and more there are fewer things to work on. And it's getting really great! :D


Anonymous said...

Ai ai, os problemas da convivência! Espero que vocês estejam se entendendo!

Ah, é verdade sobre o varal! Assim como não existe lavar chão ou passar pano, não existe passar roupa! Eles só passam camisa e roupa social.

Aqui em casa a dona Maria gasta horas e horas por semana para lavar (às vezes na mão, dependendo da roupa) e passar tudo bonitinho, mas lá eles só enfiam dentro da máquina de lavar, depois na secadora e depois dobram e tá tudo lindo. Magina, as roupas duram muito menos, né. E as camisetas estão sempre amassadinhas, pode perceber, hehehe.

O criado-mudo é uma graça!

Anonymous said...

Dea, compra um daqueles varais que tem pezinho e vc pode colocar em qualquer canto dentro da casa pra secar. Se a sua maquina centrifuga bem, nao vai ficar pingando. Agora, secar lencol nessas horas eh dureza mesmo, hehehe. A minha sogra seca dentro do banheiro, eh um saco pra tomar banho nessas horas. Uma amiga minha tem escada na casa dela e ela pendura na lateral. Sei que fica parecendo favela, mas se ninguem tah vendo, vah em frente, hehehe.

E Erica, eu nao passo todas as minhas roupas!!! Ahahaha.. as roupas de ficar em casa, nem passo. E algumas blusinhas eu estico bem na hora de colocar no varal e fica bonzao :P

Anonymous said...

Esse anonimo fui eu!!!