Thursday, January 11, 2007

Run, Dea, Run!

I´ve been in such a rush these days. Today I picked up some college´s documents - my academic history and a statement proving that I finished the course - and closed one of my bank accounts. Then I came to work and decided to sign my resignation today, thought I´m still working untill tomorrow. Brazilian labor laws are really complicated, so there are lots of steps in the process untill I actually get my money and all. I´ve got to undergo a health check up exam, then go to the union to get some papers...and I can only do it after they deposit my money...but they have 8 days to do that, which means that I´ll only complete the whole process on the last minute, the last friday before I go!! :s (I totally forgot I´d have to do all that when i set up the date for the trip...but I don´t regret anyway...hehehe)
Tomorrow I´m gonna have my hair cut (and etc ;-) in the morning, then I´ll come for my last day at work, then I´ll probably go to MG (Minas Gerais - the state where part of my family lives) to say bye to some of my relatives, especially my dear grandma Geralda. I´ll spend three days there.
Today I had lunch at the mall and at the elevator I ran into a girl in a very neat bun...which reminded me that it´s Cuballet time! aw, man! How I miss it!! Cuballet is a ballet (obviously) summer intensive course that lasts all of January, with great Cuban teachers, offered at the academy at that mall. I attended it last year and it was fantastic - very few things can make me happier than spending the whole morning every single day of the week taking dance classes (one of then being spending the whole morning AND the whole afternoon at the classes, which I couldn´t do because of my work!). I´d be there now if I wasn´t traveling this month already... I can´t wait to resume my classes, seriously!!
And I´m not even there yet but I already got things on my schedule. Yesterday Al´s friend invited him for his birthday on a NY club...only six days after I get there!! What a test!! And also another friend invited us to visit her in Boston and go skiing with her and her husband! How cool is that! Can´t wait either!!


Anonymous said...

O mais legal é quando você começa a fazer planos do outro lado do hemisfério para, tipo... semana que vem! hehehehe

Quanta ansiedade! Espero que dê tempo de você fazer tudo antes de ir, mas também se não der, paciência, hehehe. A única coisa realmente necessária para viajar, fora a passagem, é o passaporte com o visto estampado! :)

Não esquece de deixar uma procuração para a sua mãe! E de regularizar seu CPF!

I'm so fucking mad jealous of you!!! ;)

Dea said...

hahahaha don´t be sweetie, you´ll be joining me in no time! ;-)

no dia que saiu meu visto eu já fiz uma procuração pra minha mãe, tão ampla que ela pode até vender minha alma se quiser! hehe
mas que história eh essa de regularizar CPF? Antes de ir ou vc fala da declaração de IR quando eu ja tiver lá? Mixpriqui, pls

Anonymous said...

Procurações desse tipo só dá para deixar para a mãe mesmo, hehehe.

O lance do CPF, acabei de dar uma olhada no Google, é mais para uma coisa definitiva, quando você já estiver pagando imposto lá. Mas como ainda não é o caso, acho que é besteira se preocupar com isso. Mal aê! hehehe.

tonya said...

That's so amazing that you got to do the Cuballet -- what an experience!

Unknown said...

Déa!!! conversei com a Helô hj e fiquei sabendo das news.... cara, q legal. Fiquei mto feliz por vc.
Precisamos conversar!