Monday, January 29, 2007

Great Sunday =

double dating + brunch at IHOP + sunny day + Liberty State Park (pic) + finally assembling the bed frame* + Haagen Dazs ice cream for dessert. :)
Flickr really updated this time!

* there were three possible heights for the matress. He wanted it the higest possible and I wanted it the lowest (cause the matress is already high!) we settled for the medium height (in which my feet still don't touch the ground if I'm sitting on it!). The art of compromising....

Oh and it really snowed tonight!! It looked so beautiful this morning! I was moved to see our little yard covered in white! :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Entrando na discussão "hábitos de limpeza": nos Eua eles acham nojento jogar papel higiênico na lixeira. E os produtos de limpeza deles são muito modernos. Tem uns para sprayar no box depois do banho, assim não tem que ficar lavando tanto a banheira.eheheh.