Friday, January 05, 2007

It doesn´t hurt to ask

When this first came up, some friends sent it to me right away. New York Time´s Questions couples should ask (or wish they had) before marrying is a nice little article that gives food for thought even if you are miles away from walking down the aisle. Personally, I think most of them are common sense, but it´s never too much to think about those things before giving such a huge step in life. Having known Al for 8 years (and both of us being veeery talkative about every and anything), we had pratically tackled all of the subjects. But it was still nice to get his (spontaneous) email with all of the answers :) There always can be one little thing or another that you didn´t know of...or, if anything, it can make you very happy with some of the answers :D

On a different note, I found a very interesting thing on Suburban Bliss´ Melissa Summer´s site Buzz Off (I´ll borrow her own description): "For as little as $4 a month, More Thyme will help you plan your meals each week. Using your own recipes or theirs, you can easily fill your calendar with menus and let them give you a shopping list". yeah...they do make money out of anything on the US! But I might as well try a few days of the free trial version, since planning meals, rather than making them, is my worst nightmare!! :s

Last, for when you have nothing else better to do, check out this guy´s blog, The Sartorialist. He goes around NYC taking pics of people he finds well/interestingly dressed.


Anonymous said...

Dea, parabéns. Vc. escreve tão bem em inglês como em português! What a gift!

Anonymous said...

Dea, acabei de receber o adaptador do meu telefone dos EUA! É uma caixinha que você liga na internet e num aparelho de telefone comum. Aí o telefone fica como sendo de lá! (essas coisas que diminuem as distâncias são fantásticas, hehe). A gente vai poder fofocar bastante, a preço de ligação local, hehehe. Se seus pais gostam de falar, talvez valha a pena comprar um para eles conversarem com você! Custa 15 dólares por mês e tem franquia de 500 minutos. Entra lá:

Ah, hoje fomos no churras da Camé, você fez falta! Estava quase todo mundo lá!

E concordo com o comentário acima, você está falando inglês muito bem! Vai chegar lá e tirar de letra aquele inglês horroroso que eles falam lá, hehe.

Beijo grande!

Dea said...

brigada os dois! :)
E valeu por mais essa dica, se minha mae nao se adaptar ao MSN bem provavel que eu recorra a isso!
Ai, uma pena ter perdido o churras da Camé viu...Depois me conta como foi!

tonya said...

You will have to subscribe to when you get here! I think I saw the More Thyme advertised on that one time. And they list sample sales and stuff like that :)