Then we went to his office in Manhattan, and I went upstairs with him so I could see the view, the building is just next to the WTC site. It's quite a view! We were in the 23rd floor. The PATH train that I have to get to go from Jersey City to NY passes inside the whole, it's this tunnel on the left side of the pic.
While he was in his meeting, I hang out around that area, that's Wall Street, and I walked up to the way up to the Saten Island Ferry, but unfortunately my camera was outta batteries so I don't have pics. (this was taken with Al's, that I forgot to take when he went for his meeting).
When I was near the Bull, a symbol of the financial district, a guy (in a heavy accent) stopped me and told me "u look like my desktop". "Computer". "The color scheme". hummm....ok. Am I supposed to be happy abou it???
Then we tried to buy my cell phone at T-Mobile (to get acess at Starbucks) but they didn't let us!! Al had cancelled a line from them in less than 90 days ago, so he was considered a returning customer, so he couldn't get the discount offered for new customers. And that would double the price of the phone! (advatange said to be that we wouldn't be subject to a 2-year contract and could cancel it at anytime, but why would I wanna cancel?). We got so upset! So now we're waiting untill Feb 15, when this stupid 90 days expire.
Yesterday I went out for the 1st time on my own! I was a bit worried cause Al hadn't really explained things to me, I was just following him the whole time, but I went fine, I didn't get lost! hehehe I had bought gloves and earcovers at Century 21, a department store, but I couldn't find the scarf of the same color, so I went to Macy's to search for it. Macy's is humoungous!!! well, they're actually the biggest store in the world, it's not just advertising. I think it's at least the size of the whole Shopping Paulista. They have one whole building for men and one for women, restaurants, things for the house etc. Tourists everywhere. Lots and lots of Brazilians (specially mineiros! o mineirada!! hehehe). Unfortunately, I didn't find the scarf I wanted.
I crossed the street and went to Victoria's Secret to browse. More Brazilians, this time both shoping and posing on the walls, Giselle Bundchen and Adriana Lima. I was a bit disappointed by their selection of underwear and pjs, personally I think our stores tehre have equivalent or even nicer stuff, but their make up and cosmetics are really great! Surprinsingly, I didn't buy anything, cause I figured I still can come back whenever I want! :D
To wrap up the day, I came back home, stopped for groceries and decided to make a nice dinner. A hard task, given the fact that we still only got one pan and one pot! We took 2 hours to make the whole thing (Al arrived and made the delicious pork chops), in which I count as my first official meal ever! Here's a pic. (note the disposable untensils, dishes and cups, and brown paper as a tablecloth! hehehe we're working on the house room by room, we're just done with the bedroom, now it's the kitchen turn, definitely!).
Oh my gosh I love reading about your exeriences as you explore this new place. Yesterday after reading I was inspired to talk to my mom about her experience. She came to America from Rio when she was 23. She said she was so excited but scared. Unlike you she did not speak a word of English and she was coming here to work for a family in Virginia. I can't even begin to imagine what was like for her then and now for you.
If you ever want to get coffee or have a little shopping tour in the city let me know. Or if you have questions about anything feel free to contact me. I'll email you my info.
Also, if you feel like you want a little piece of home I know there is a huge Brazilian community in the Newark area. In the city there are cute places to dance samba and eat pastel (my favorite).
Talk to you soon.
Ai, socorro!!! Esses americanos e suas coisas descartaveis!!! Hehehe... Aqui eles sao tao ecologicamente corretos que nem sacola plastica eles dao no supermercado, vc tem que comprar, se nao levar a sua!!! Com excecao do Tesco. Lah eu pego milhoes de sacolas, hehe.
Ahhhhh Déaaaa!!!!
Lendo suas descrições eu me vi de novo caminhando pela 1ª vez na 5th Avenue, sentindo aquele frio desconhecido, admirada com a elegância das pessoas, assustada com o tamanho dos Doritos (e os sabores então???? Tem até de guacamole! Mas achei sem graça... o bom é q dá pra fazer mta guacamole sem se preocupar com o fim dos Doritos!!), e agradecendo à Duane reade por ela existir, hehehe (cada loja tem seu diferencial... acho q numa da Broadway perto da Houston, do lado Noho, comprei gel dental de sabores exóticos - tinha até de menta com chocolate!- q nunca consegui achar em outra...)
Aí tem smoothies em todo canto, eu fiquei viciada (e é uma opção saudável prum lanchinho)!
Vc já conheceu o Bryant Park??? Tenho tantas lembranças boas dali... é lindo! Tem um edifício do lado, acho q é um hotel hj em dia, marrom com detalhes q parecem dourados... acho o prédio mais lindo q já vi (se não me engano, tem o nome do parque)! E lá tem free wireless e várias mesinhas (q vc só deve aguentar usar depois de março) pra sentar ao ar livre com seu laptop.
Do lado tb tem a Public Library principal, ou pelo menos mais estonteante, vai conhecer!!! Aliás, essas public libraries espalhadas pela cidade têm vários DVDs e vc pode pegar de graça por alguns dias! Me senti na biblioteca da ECA.
Ah, vi q a Erica comentou da H&M, mas outra loja de roupas baratas e estilosas é a Forever 21, acho q tb na 34th. E tem tb a Century 21, com roupas de marca famosa por preços bacanas, fica em frente ao q sobrou do WTC.
Esse mundo consumista pega a gente de jeito, né?
Continue descrevendo tudo e colocando mtas fotos, por favor!!!
O comentário anterior era pro post anterior, q não aceitava! Agora vi q vc já conheceu a Century 21 e deve ter passado em frente à Forever 21!
Dea, se vc precisar de um celular por pouco tempo, compra um pré-pago da Virgin (tem até na Duane Reade), comprei um por 32 dólares acho q já com tax.
Hahaha, NY é o lugar do mundo com a maior quantidade de pessoas estranhas por km quadrado!
Tem que tomar cuidado ao andar pela rua para não esbarrar em nenhum crackhead ou uma pessoa simplesmente "diferente" que vai querer conversar coisas sem sentido com você.
Tenho vááárias lembranças de episódios bizarros por aí.... hehehehe.
Ha ha -- I'm still learning to cook too! Actually, I get lots of take-out -- I think lots of single NYers do -- it's actually about the same cost as cooking for one ... I must work really close to Al -- because I'm right down the block from Century 21 (excellent store!) and the WTC site.
He he -- what's a mineiro?!
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