Monday, January 08, 2007

I couldn't resist...

Call me tacky, but I couldn't resist...
Podem me chamar de brega, mas eu não resisti....

(lipstick: Dior)

Yesterday I also started of the bags is full already, and it's only my winter clothes and one crochet bed cover my now 96-year-old grandma made me. Everything else has to go in the other one...which probably means I'll have to leave more things behind than I had planned... :s


Anonymous said...

Gente, que batom lindo! Que cor e'?
hehehehe ;)

tonya said...

If everything won't fit, you can bring your winter clothes now and have your parents send your summer clothes maybe? I love the lipstick!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dea,
Thank you for your comments on Fly. Yaay for our Brazilian mothers!! You will be close when you move, we should get together for coffee, I need to practice my Portuguese.

Anonymous said...

Tb nao resisti:

Dea said...

aiii Tati, você não tem nada pra usar nas horas que vc quer mostrar todo seu orgulho nacional?? hehehe
tonya: yeah, I might have to do that...cause it's not just clothes, but shoes, books, dvds...actually, it's hard to fit your whole life in just two 50 pounds bags...hehehe
Andrea: thanks for the invitation, I'll definitely love that! I'll give you a heads up when I arrive :)