Sunday, January 07, 2007

Fashion Emergency!

People have warned me already, but seeing it in pictures (on the previously mentioned The Sartorialist and on Fly Girls*, who are now on my blogroll) makes it worse. I´m definitely gonna need a change of style when I get there. I mean, not really a change of style, cause I know what my style is and I´m not changing it. I just need new pieces to go with it. When I was cleaning my closet, I realized I had too much clothes from many years ago, which means my teen years! (not very appropriate for now, I guess...). Not that I´m complaining about having to go shopping for clothes, tho...heeheheh
Erica told me NY girls love layered looks, and that´s something I always liked too but never managed to pull off. Yesterday I gave it another try, layering a dress with skin tight ankle lenght pants, complete with ballet flats and my big necklace my mom got me from Christmas. I forgot to take a picure but I think it looked nice... :)

*american girl with Brazilian family, nice coincidence!


Anonymous said...

Hahaha, look total novaiorquino! Para ficar completo (mas não que eu goste necessariamente), falta um óculos de sol gigante e um coque bem apertado no topo da cabeça. E muito rímel preto nos olhos! hahaha ;)

Anonymous said...

Dea, eu tenho muita vergonha do meu ingles quando leio seu blog!!! Ahahahahha... Vc eh uma das pessoas que eu NUNCA vou falar ingles na frente. Eu nao tenho problema em falar na frente de gringos, mas com brasileiros que falam bem ingles, eu morro de vergonha. Vai entender... beijo!

Dea said...

hahaha gostei! oculos grande eu gosto tb, e coque eu faco sempre, ou pq to indo pro ballet ou pq to com preguica de ficar arrumando pra deixar solto (ah se eu tivesse cabelo de orientais!! hehehehe)
Tati, se vira pra superar sua vergonha, como você vai fazer quando for me visitar?? hehehe

tonya said...

I hate the layered look, which is probably why I'm always freezing here!!!

Dea said...

hahaha really? geez, if YOU freeze, let alone me (I haven´t even seen snow in my whole life)!!! I guess I´ll really have to go for the layers!!! hehehe