Sunday, February 11, 2007

Where's the manual for adulthood?

I have to admit that this freelance for this newspaper totally depressed me. It's so NOT what I want to do it hurts. I accepted to do it cause I was really worried about not having a source of income, but I realized I'm just wasting my time. The time I had planned to work on it I started sending resumes to the things I'm really interested at (but are harder to know why). I've decided to do just one of the things she briefed me and then talk to her about this situation.
And here's the thing. I have no idea how to manage my thoughts, and my time in consequence. I never worked as freelance, so I kindda only had to think about my job when it was time to work, and the rest of the day I could think about the other stuff, which wasn't that much anyway apart from my own personal interests. Now it's like, I have to think about the work (I don't have a fixed schedule, of course), about the things I have to do at home, about the things I have to do with Al, and about the other things that are of my own personal interest. And I start thinking about all of it at the same time, so I start doing things at the same time and don't complete any as I wanted, or I just waste my time thinking and don't do anything at all! I'm not even sure if I could explain that well, cause it's really confusing even to me. Arrrrghhhhhhhhhh
On another note, I met Alta (Al's sister) in person for the first time! She came to visit us. She's really great! :D And also we've been having a lot of fun with that couple I think I've mentioned before, Judy and Chris. I'm getting to know Jersey City better and I really like it, it's small and pretty (there must be some not-so-pretty neighbourhoods, but of course I don't need to go there! hehehe)

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