Thursday, February 01, 2007


It's definitely not easy. From all the changes I'm going through now (and they're not a few), the most challenging one is certainly adjusting to living with a partner. This is a difficult thing for anyone, but I think it's worst when the parts come from different cultures. As much as you know each other, as much as you try to talk about all the possible issues, some things you'll only realize when you're actually sharing the same roof. And the cultural difference, in my case, doesn't manifest istelf on big things, but on daily life details. It takes lots of deep-breathings, lots of countings-to-ten, and lots of will, cause if you're not immensily willing to do it, you can't take it very far. But it's a great learning, it makes you grow a lot as not only you figure out how to live with someone else, but also as you figure out how your own personality and quircks work. I'm loving it. ;-)


Anonymous said...

Eu estou alguns meses a sua frente nessa transicao e sei bem o que eh isso. As vezes eu fico p da vida, reclamando por tudo, xingando os tchecos por nao terem areas de servico, por nao colocarem lixeira no banheiro, por ficarem quietos na hora da refeicao, pelos velhos que nao tomam banho todo dia pq acham que faz mal pra pele, enfim... uma hora, a gente comeca a rir e desencana de reclamar, hehe. E em algumas coisas a gente acaba cedendo, como o costume de tirar o sapato pra entrar em casa. E o mais legal eh quando o outro tambem cede... ahhhhh.. eh muito bom, uma hora vcs acham o ponto de equilibrio! Seja forte! kk

Denise said...

AAAh, que coisa chata, as roupas são grandes demais pra mim!
Que bom que seus problemas estão assim divertidos (assim como o blog)
PS. Fala pra ele comer direito, senão faz mal

Dea said...

hehe brigada pela forca meninas!! :D eh mto bom ler os seus comentarios.
Tive um dia otimo hoje, vou tentar postar amanha :D