Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Random stuff

- As the days progress, things become better and better when it comes to the fine tuning between me and Al. It helps a lot that the apartment is finally free of unnecessary clutter and everything we got is on its place, tho it's still a work in progress. hehehe As you know what to expect (and what not to) from each other, the day-to-day life gets easier, and (much) nicer.

- Just to make you girls jealous, Al cooks divinely, and he's cooking dinner and doing the dishes every night! (not to mention the desserts he makes, like this heavenly nutty brownie from yesterday!) hey, pick your jaws off the floor, it's cold! (In exchange, I make the bed everyday and get to clean the bathroom - but he cleans the bathtub. That is, after I "hint" about it for several days in a row) .

- they're changing the name of my ballet class to "advanced begginer", it seems they just realized what it really is! hehehe Anyway, I went to my 2nd one today and it was awesome!
And also I'm getting to know lots of interesting people, if only for a brief moment.

- people here actually stand on the right on escalators and wait untill people get off the train to start getting in. As a heavy user of public transportation, I can only say that's a dream.

- I had an allergy all over my face that was making me look like a monster, and I was using so many new stuff that it was diffcult to figure out the cause, but I think I finally did, it was probably the make-up remover cloths....(I was used to liquid ones)

- I went to Newark today. I didn't like the city itself a bit.

- I finally got my nails done and also some waxing! Yay for Brazilian salons (one in every corner)! One thing, tho....while the nails and the underarm pricing can be equivalent (10 dollars each, or 8 dollars the underarm at a Boticario store) - meaning they will not always be, u can find it for waaaay more if you want - don't expect the same for your "bikini area". Cheapest I found, even on the brazilian salons, was 30 bucks!! :(

- Last and least, I got a freelance gig on a Brazilian newspaper (#1 reason I went to Newark). Unlike Al, I can't say I'm excited about it, cause I'm gonna be writing for the business desk, which is pretty close to what I did in Sao Paulo, only it's very far from what I really want to do. But it's something already... Also it's looking as a great opportunity to put Al in contact with some potential clients (which would be great!), so let's see...


Anonymous said...

Yay! Yay! Parabéns pelo frila!!! Pode não ser o que você quer, mas não deixa de ser o seu primeiro emprego, né? ;)

Ai, brownie! Que sonho ter alguém em casa que faça brownies! hahaha.

E que bom que vocês dois estão se entendendo! Um período de ajustes é sempre importante, né?

Todo dia alguém daí reclama do frio para mim! Como é que está? Já comprou mil casacos e botas?

tonya said...

That is so great -- about the job! Congratulations!

Lilian said...

Ai, justo na ultima coisa do ultimo post??? nao tinha chegado até ele ainda! haha tenho trabalhado mto.... bjão

Anonymous said...

Ah, eu tava tão felizinha comentando em inglês, hahaha. OK, muita informação no mesmo post, mas digamos que o fato de o Al cozinhar me chamou muita atenção, rs. Qunto ao emprego... Bem, o que você gostaria de fazer de verdade, que não seja jornalismo? Beijos!
PS: Adorei essa... de que a Tonya é a sua Babi americana. By the way, eu adoro o nome do blog dela!

Dea said...

eu quero fazer qq coisa ligada as artes, ppmente danca, claro. to mandando cvs pra coisas nessas area, tipo loja, etc, o ruim eh q eu ainda nao posso trabalhar legalmente, entao eh mais dificil rolar algo nisso por enquanto, mas torcam!
O frio continua neh, comprei uma bota de pelo bem quentinha (greenpeace que nao me ouca!), um casaco mas ainda estou a procura de um casaco comprido! :D

PaulaKim said...

e isso ai, girl! make it happen! super super orgulhosa e morrendo de inveja do homem.... cozinha???? todo dia????
aiai, quando vai chegar a minha vez , hein? coisas pra falar... vou te mandar um mail.
bjao e nao esquenta com a pele que passa. Eu tive a mesma reacao aqui. devem ser as mudancas.