Wednesday, February 14, 2007


You never forget your first snow storm. YAY! :D

Something funny happened today, I was on the phone with a girl trying to get information on where I could exchange my travelers checks, and you know when you are spelling a name and you say a word very recognizable so she can understand what is it, like in Brazil we say "p" de "pato", "n" de "navio" and so on, so I was spelling my name to her and she was trying to it "f" for "father"? Me: no, "s", as in...(30 seconds trying to figure out a simple word begining with s)..."sing?" She: what? hahahaha It got me so confused that I even said my name wrong to her (the situation lasted for some good 5 minutes)! hahaha
I had never thought about it but she wanted to confirm every letter using this system, and I really didn't have the slightest idea of which words they use for what!
So, just in case you ever find yourself in that situation, here's a quick dictionnary (at least those were the ones she used: F - father, A-apple, P-Peter, C-Charles, S-sugar
what I -and most people- use in portuguese for those is: F-faca(knife), A-amor(love), P-pato(duck), C-casa(house), S-sapo(frog)


Anonymous said...

Hahahaha, eu também passei por uma situação parecida quando perdi minha carteira aí. Tive que ligar para a Visa para cancelar meus cartões e foi realmente um sufoco soletrar meu nome, hehehehe ;)

Anonymous said...



tonya said...

This is hilarious! You never think about things like this until they actually happen, right!

I know, can you believe this snow! I really didn't think we were going to get any this year!

Unknown said...

Eu meio que acho que deu um nó na sua cabeça de jornalista poliglota, hahaha! Never mind...